I would assume that most people have an issue that really raises their blood pressure.
For me, it's cell towers. For the past few years we have been fighting against a cell tower being built within 200 ft. of our home in the middle of a densely populated residential area. There are three schools within 2 miles of us. We lost the fight. Now we are seeing company after company add their antennas to the pole, greatly increasing the levels of electromagnetic radiation emanating from a poor excuse of a "tree." In our research we discovered that health issues can not be presented as a reason to block towers from being built in a community. Industry leaders deny any connection between electromagnetic radiation and health risks, saying there are no definitive studies. One could say they have their head buried seriously in the sand, or, more appropriately, they are protecting their financial windfall at the expense of a nation's citizens, including those who cannot or choose not to use wireless technology. And what are our leaders doing about the situation?
It is interesting to note that on April 2, 2009, in Brussels, the European Parliament passed a resolution on health concerns associated with electromagnetic fields. The text is too long to post here, but the significance is remarkable considering the European Parliament is the directly elected parliamentary institution of the European Union, and the European Union includes 27 states including:
The research is there. If one of the most powerful legislatures in the world is suggesting transparency and real attention to the research, why are we lagging so far behind? And one small point of interest: European insurance companies are "tending to exclude coverage for the risks associated with EMFs from the scope of liability insurance policies, the implication clearly being that European insurers are already enforcing their version of the precautionary principle ..."